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A sensational article about Putin’s estate in Spain, with all sorts of details like the fact that he grows exclusive grapes.

There have been many reprints and discussions, although the topic is not new. Back in 2012, a Spanish publication reported that not just anyone, but Putin himself was building a palace in an elite gated community near Marbella.

At the beginning of last year, publications began to appear with photographs of construction at the resort; the villa was still attributed to Putin.

It is clear that the Anti-Corruption Foundation could not ignore this find.

"Putin's Dacha" was located quite simply. It’s immediately clear from the satellite image that this is not just a dacha, but a whole “Putin’s mountain.” A large and very expensive piece of land (literally a whole mountain was bought) in the super-elite village of Zagaleta with an amazing view of the Mediterranean Sea and the coast along which gays and liberals hostile to the Russian people roam.

The village is closed, cooperative, new members must be approved by other residents, the palace is the largest in the area, located on an inaccessible mountain behind barbed wire - the corporate style of our president can be discerned in everything.

A conquistador detachment with a quadcopter was urgently sent to La Zagaleta (they say translated from Spanish it means “reminiscent of Korsun”). [...]

We were luckier than the local journalists - the house was already completed, and cosmetic repairs were being carried out on the site. There really was something to see.

A huge villa with several terraces, a swimming pool, underground infrastructure - and all this on top of the mountain. The mountain itself, apparently, was first razed and then filled up again, adding all sorts of multi-level gardens and solar panels.

In general, neither the beauty of the local landscapes, nor the construction site on the top of the mountain, nor the statements of local journalists - nothing indicated to us that it was Putin’s villa. Still, the building intended for it should be protected more seriously and involve all sorts of security measures.

A little disappointed, but no less determined, we set out to find out whose dacha we had visited.

For the answer to this question you need to turn to the Spanish cadastre. Here is this area in the cadastral image (you can just estimate what was there before construction).

Here is the same site with a number assigned to it. Total area 17,762 m2.

According to the register of legal entities, this company is run by a girl with the original Spanish name Zoya Ponomareva:

Senora Zoya is a director in several other companies, for example VINO PINO SL, which produces and sells wine. The company is registered at the same address as XARENI, which owns the estate on the mountain.

But what is especially interesting is who Zoya replaced as director in this winemaking office:

In our opinion, the Spanish don Valery Ponomorev is none other than Valery Andreevich Ponomarev, United Russia senator from the Kamchatka Territory.

He just considers himself the most cunning and thinks that no one will find his Spanish property if he assigned it to his daughter.

In 2013, Valery Ponomarev declared income of 408 million rubles, two Bentleys, a Ferrari and a Porsche. But we do not see any foreign real estate and 17,652 m2 of land either in ownership or use.

Valery Ponomarev made his fortune on government contracts - his company Znak LLC supplies government agencies with license plates for cars, as well as all kinds of forms (for diplomas, fines, certificates, etc.) The senator is also a co-owner of the largest Kamchatka fishing enterprise, Okeanrybflot.

Judging by an interview from 2007, Ponomarev was literally forced to go to the Federation Council:

It turns out that in La Zagaleta, Spain, FBK landed not on Putin’s dacha, but on the dacha of an ordinary Russian patriotic senator, Valery Ponomarev, registered to a company run by his daughter Zoya.

The degree of hypocrisy of this “Kremlin patriot” is characterized not even by the fact that he is a member of the International Affairs Committee, churning out all sorts of “anti-Western statements” seven times a day, while hiding his Spanish real estate, but by his wonderful statements about how good it is in The Federation Council has been tasked with monitoring declarations.

Corr.: Have you considered issues of ensuring anti-corruption?

V.P. Of course. In the near future, we will finish work on a package of bills that relate to control over the matching of income with expenses, first of all, of senior officials in the system of state and municipal government.
Let me note that in the upper legislative chamber a commission of the Federation Council has been created and is working to monitor the reliability of information on income, property and property-related obligations submitted by members of the Federation Council.

FBK reminds the senator that according to the law, property is also declared “in use.” So, if he was at this dacha or plans to be (we will find out), he urgently needs to declare it.

A situation similar to the already famous one "Neverov's mother-in-law". Once again we see how stupid the declaration system is, which Putin and Medvedev are so proud of. Relatives who have reached the age of majority fall out of it, which makes it possible for swindlers to circumvent the law.

In fact, they violate it, but in the courts they bat their eyes and say (as Neverov did): this all belongs to the mother-in-law, and I don’t even walk along these paths. [...]

[RBC news agency, 01/13/2015, “Senator Ponomarev refused to communicate on the issue of real estate in Spain”: Member of the Federation Council Valery Ponomarev, representing the Legislative Assembly of the Kamchatka Territory, did not comment on information about real estate in Spain. In response to RBC's call, the senator refused to communicate directly and redirected him to his reception. The senator’s assistant, Inna Zhukova, promised to forward questions to Ponomarev and call back. At the time of publication of the material, the senator and the assistant stopped answering the phone. - Insert]

["Vedomosti", 02.11.2007, "Cool Heirs": The owner of the Znak corporation and co-owner of Okeanrybflot, Valery Ponomarev, for educational purposes, allocates a fixed amount to his 20-year-old student daughter for meals outside the home, for entertainment: “My wife and I We often tell her: “You can earn money and buy it yourself.” “Now I understand my friends who force their children studying abroad to work at McDonald’s,” says Tarasov. - Insert]

In Russia, civil servants, as well as ministers, governors, senators and deputies, accounted for their income and property. What unusual and interesting things were revealed in the declarations of people’s representatives and heads of regions, “AiF”.

The poorest deputy was found in the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region. The family of deputy Alexei Lomov, according to the declaration, earned 221 thousand rubles in 2016, which is 18.5 thousand rubles. per month. This is less than 6200 rubles. for each family member. Deputies even set up a fundraising box to help their colleague at the entrance to the meeting room. Lomov appreciated the irony of his colleagues and the funds raised - 34 thousand rubles. - bought diapers for the Vsevolozhsk orphanage. To this money he added his own. It’s time for Deputy Lomov to give a master class on how to live on a meager income and even help others.

Meanwhile, Lomov’s colleague, Vladimir Petrov, declared 121.2 million. 18 pages are occupied by a list of his property, including five stars and a plot on Mars.

Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Sergei Titov can compete with Alexei Lomov for the title of the poorest deputy: his income for the year is only 129 thousand rubles. He himself explained that he lives on savings, since the deputy does not receive a salary, and does not have time to earn much at his main place of work.

The interest of journalists was aroused by the income of Voronezh Regional Duma deputy Andrei Blagov. Officially, he earned 370 thousand rubles. for the year, the wife - another 602.5 thousand. In total, it turned out to be 80 thousand per month. But with this money they need to maintain five expensive cars, a truck, a boat, a house (513.5 sq. m.), an apartment and plots of land (4725 and 1841 sq. m.). Transport tax, maintenance, gasoline, utilities - this alone will eat up two-thirds of all the income of the deputy’s family.

Kuban deputy Fyodor Yanishoglo distinguished himself by declaring as many as 52 apartments. In addition, he owns a house, three garages, 12 bedroom buildings, administrative buildings, a swimming pool, a chapel and a bunch of plots. The deputy owns several sanatoriums in Anapa under the Fairy brand, the Fairy Furniture company and the Rossiya agricultural enterprise in the Anapa region.

For many deputies, it turns out that their wives provide the main and rather considerable income for their families. Thus, the wife of Communist State Duma deputy Alexander Nekrasov brought 646 million to the family budget, while her husband, a former co-owner of the Leader group of companies, one of the leading developers in St. Petersburg, brought 129 times less, not even reaching 5 million rubles. . In the Voronezh Regional Duma, the leader in terms of total family income was the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Voronezhselmash OJSC, Grigory Chuiko. Together with his wife, he earned 531.88 million, and he himself earned only 622.3 thousand rubles.

Interest was aroused by the unprecedented income of the wife of Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov - 2.35 billion (!) rubles. Minnikhanova’s press secretary recalled that Gulsina Minnikhanova is the owner of Luciano LLC, which operates an elite spa. According to him, in April 2016, in order to raise funds for the development of new business areas, she sold a share of 49% of the authorized capital, and in February 2017, she paid income tax of 286 million rubles to the budget.

RIA News

The governor of the Volgograd region, Andrei Bocharov, can also thank his wife. While he himself brought only 4.6 million rubles into the house, his wife earned 23.5 million. Considering that for the two previous years her income was zero, this is not bad. The income of the head of Crimea Sergei Aksenov almost doubled over the year - to 2.6 million rubles. But his wife’s jump is more noticeable: from 3.4 million rubles. in 2015 to RUB 32.8 million in 2016.

It is interesting that many of the deputies prefer not to advertise the income of women with whom they are in one relationship or another. It is known, for example, that out of 450 State Duma deputies, 144 are not officially married - almost every third.

The list of billionaire deputies has not changed much over the year. In the Kurgan Regional Duma, the director of the Veles meat processing plant, Dmitry Iltyakov, again turned out to be the richest - 1.6 billion rubles. In his declaration, in addition to apartments, houses and plots, he has warehouses, workshops and even his own railway dead end. Deputy of the Magadan Regional Duma Alexander Basansky declared 1.5 billion. The people's interests in Kamchatka are still defended by the chairman of the board of directors of Okeanrybflot Igor Yevtushok, who managed to earn 1.89 billion, plus his wife - 78 million.

And in the Bryansk region, three deputies of the Starodub district distinguished themselves. Owners of peasant farms and potato growers Alexander Akhlamov (128.9 million), Mikhail Dovgalev (217.4 million) and Alexander Putsko (260 thousand, his wife - 301.6 million) earned 670 million between them.

The richest member of the Federation Council was another representative of the Kamchatka Territory, co-owner of Okeanrybflot and shareholder of Interprombank Valery Ponomarev - 2.6 billion rubles. in a year. His colleague, Alexander Babakov, declared “only” 318 million. But a year earlier, while still in the status of a State Duma deputy, he was among the poorest - 4.7 million rubles. The newly minted senator is in no hurry to explain where this increase in income comes from. True, in the media he is called the actual owner of the VS Energy company, which does business in Ukraine in the energy and hotel sectors.


The media report that not all declarations of deputies and ministers have yet been made public, so new unexpected surprises regarding their official income and property are possible in the near future.

Total 1.6 million rubles.

Top five

On Friday, April 14, members of the Federation Council published reports on their income and property for 2016 on the website of the upper house of parliament. The richest senator in 2016 was Valery Ponomarev, a representative of Kamchatka, whose income amounted to 2.6 billion rubles. A year earlier he earned 2.5 times less - 1 billion rubles. Ponomarev’s wife declared 32.7 million rubles. income. The senator also owns three apartments with a total area of ​​505 square meters. m, four parking lots (another one is owned by his wife), three non-residential premises and four cars - Bentley Arnage, Porsche Cayenne, Ferrari and GAZ-21. According to Forbes, Senator Ponomarev is a co-owner of Okeanrybflot, one of the largest fishing enterprises in Kamchatka, and a shareholder of Interprombank.

In second place in terms of income in the Federation Council is a senator from the Tambov region Alexander Babakov, who earned 318 million rubles in 2016. His wife declared an annual income of 1.5 thousand rubles. According to the declaration, Babakov and his wife do not own any living space; they have one apartment with an area of ​​69.3 square meters. m. The senator does not have any vehicles. Before this, in 2013, Babakov became a defendant in the investigation of Alexei Navalny, when he found estate of 10.9 hectares in France. Navalny called Babakov, who was then a State Duma deputy, “the poorest deputy”: in 2011, according to his declaration, he earned only 1.9 million rubles.

In third place in terms of income over the past year among senators is the representative from the Kursk region Vitaly Bogdanov. He is the owner of Multimedia Holding CJSC, which includes the radio stations Nashe Radio, Best FM, Rock FM and Radio Jazz, as well as several agencies and the Nashe TV channel. Bogdanov’s annual income amounted to 222.9 million rubles.

In fourth place is another senator from Kamchatka, Boris Nevzorov, who earned 173.7 million rubles. Fifth place was taken by Federation Council member from the Tula region Dmitry Savelyev, his income in 2016 reached 163 million rubles.

The poorest was Senator from Karachay-Cherkessia Rauf Arashukov, who earned only 1.6 million rubles in 2016. His wife in 2016, according to the declaration, earned 308 rubles. Arashukov owns a personal plot with an area of ​​4.5 thousand square meters. m and three residential buildings with a total area of ​​1478 sq. m. m.

Management income

Speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko earned 22.8 million rubles in 2016. - by 1.8 million rubles. more than last year. Her husband, Vladimir Matvienko, received 17 million rubles in 2016. The Speaker of the Federation Council declared three land plots with a total area of ​​10.4 thousand square meters. m, residential building, utility room and cottage. She and her husband own 1 and 2/3 apartments, one parking space and a service dacha.

Among the heads of committees of the Federation Council, the richest was the chairman of the committee on economic policy, senator from the Yamalo-Nenets district Yuri Neelov. His income last year amounted to 15.4 million rubles. He also owns five plots of land, three residential buildings, one non-residential building, a parking space, an apartment, a Mitsubishi car, a boat and a motor boat.

The Chairman of the Committee on International Politics earned the least among the heads of committees in 2016. Konstantin Kosachev. His income reached 4.7 million rubles. (100 thousand rubles less than in 2015). His wife declared 2.5 million rubles. income for the year. The spouses also own a residential building, a plot of land, a parking space, an apartment, an outbuilding, Volvo and Mercedes-Benz cars, as well as a Ural motorcycle.

[TK Dozhd, 04/14/2017, “The richest senator earned 2.6 billion rubles in 2016”: According to the declaration, the senator’s income Elena Mizulina for 2016 amounted to 4.8 million rubles.
Senator Oksana Belokon earned 4.7 million rubles in 2016. Representative of Chechnya in the Federation Council Suleiman Geremeev Last year he earned 4.6 million rubles. Franz Klintsevich in 2016 he earned almost five million rubles - 4.996 million. Senator's income Andrey Klishas in 2016 amounted to 5.699 million rubles.
According to the income statement of Crimean senator Olga Kovitidi, last year she earned 7.607 million rubles. Senator Lyudmila Narusova declared income in the amount of 28.7 million rubles. - Insert]

What officials can and cannot own
What officials can and cannot own is defined in a 2013 law, which prohibited them from opening accounts, storing cash and valuables in foreign banks, as well as owning and using “foreign financial instruments.” At the same time, owning real estate abroad is not prohibited, but officials, deputies and senators are required to declare it. There were initiatives to extend the ban to foreign real estate (in 2014 such a bill was prepared by communist deputy Valery Rashkin, in 2015 by the parliament of the Jewish Autonomous Region), but all of them did not pass beyond the relevant State Duma committee.
The wording of “foreign financial instruments,” which also cannot be owned by government officials, remained legally ambiguous until the end of 2016, leaving loopholes for officials to legally retain some foreign assets. Now the concept of “foreign financial instruments” has been clarified: these are any securities of non-residents, shares or interests in foreign companies; loan agreements or credit agreements concluded with foreigners; derivative financial instruments where one of the parties to the transaction is a foreign person or entity. In addition, the “foreign financial instruments” that officials cannot use include trust management of their property abroad. The law also prohibits owning shares in “foreign structures without the formation of a legal entity” - this concept is taken from the Tax Code and refers to foreign trusts and funds.
The law, which clarified the concept of “foreign financial instruments”, was signed by President Vladimir Putin at the end of December 2016, but will come into force by mid-2017 - giving civil servants time to get rid of prohibited assets.

Original of this material
© Vedomosti.Ru, 04/16/2017, Senators’ income rating – 2016
Last name, first name Region Family income, million rubles.
2016 2015
1 Ponomarev Valery Kamchatka Krai 2699,29 1011,93
2 Babakov Alexander Tambov Region 318,08 4,74
3 Nevzorov Boris Kamchatka Krai 240,23 111,19
4 Vorobiev Yuri Vologda Region 230,47 97,77
5 Bogdanov Vitaly Kursk region 229,59 71,81
6 Savelyev Dmitry Tula region 176,70 173,81
7 Verkhovsky Alexander Sakhalin region 141,00 19,32
8 Vasiliev Valery Ivanovo region 133,45 162,68
9 Zubarev Igor Republic of Karelia 124,27 40,05
10 Bochkov Vladimir Ivanovo region 75,27 43,58
11 Vazhenin Yuri Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra 73,89 51,81
12 Zhuravlev Nikolay Kostroma region 61,61 10,09
13 Volkov Yuri Kaluga region 57,62 45,44
14 Abramov Victor Tver region 51,50 26,26
15 Matvienko Valentina Saint Petersburg 39,94 53,30
16 Dmitrienko Alexey Penza region 34,97 32,61
17 Mamedov Sergey Samara Region 32,94 99,68
18 Klishas Andrey Krasnoyarsk region 28,96 23,94
19 Narusova Lyudmila Tyva 28,74 no data
20 Fomin Igor Leningrad region 24,79 39,23

Deputy of the State Duma of Russia Ilya Ponomarev living abroad may lose parliamentary immunity. True, this will not prevent him from receiving a monthly salary as a people's representative.

Attempts to deprive the disgraced deputy of immunity were made last year. Ponomarev left A Just Russia in 2013, but he still remains a member of the faction in the State Duma. The Social Revolutionaries more than once demanded that Ponomarev himself surrender his mandate, but they did not achieve any results.

The bill on an imperative mandate introduced by the party (the party itself can deprive a deputy of his powers for “systematic failure to fulfill his duties”) did not find support in the lower house.

The other day, the Prosecutor General’s Office submitted a request to the State Duma to lift Ponomarev’s parliamentary immunity.

The deputy fled last year, fearing that the bailiffs would collect a debt of 2.7 million rubles from him in the Skolkovo lawsuit. At the same time, the head of A Just Russia Sergei Mironov proposed to transfer the deputy’s salary to a deposit, and not to accounts in the United States, where Ponomarev was hiding.

In October, a working group was created that was supposed to resolve the issue of the legality of paying salaries to deputies who are permanently abroad. But this also did not produce results.

It turns out that a person living in the United States, who has escaped from debt obligations before a Russian court, continues to receive a deputy’s salary, which amounts to more than 400 thousand rubles monthly.

Economy Today asked a State Duma deputy, first deputy head of the A Just Russia faction, for comment on this situation. Mikhail Emelyanov.

Mikhail Vasilyevich said that the faction will most likely vote for stripping Ponomarev of his immunity: “Politically, we have already condemned him a long time ago, expelled him from the party, de facto expelled him from the faction and made a decision condemning his statements in the United States, in particular about the need for a violent change of power in Russia. Politically, he is an alien element to us. But legally, we believe that the court should deal with him, that is, an investigation should begin. Therefore, we will vote for it.”

Ponomarev’s colleague confirmed that the latter still receives a deputy’s salary. “There is a bill on an imperative mandate, according to which a faction can deprive a deputy of his mandate if he acts contrary to the will of the party; United Russia has passed it every time. We don’t understand why she covers people like Ponomarev.”

But the deprivation of parliamentary immunity will only be the starting point for resolving the issue of Ponomarev’s salary. As Mikhail Emelyanov told us, he will stop receiving wages only after the court verdict comes into force. And you won’t have to wait a month or two for this moment.

On Friday, officials of the presidential administration (AP), government, State Duma deputies and members of the Federation Council (FC) published income declarations for 2016. The earnings of President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev have remained almost unchanged, but leaders in the government and the Administration have changed. The wealthiest among all those reporting with an income of 2.66 billion rubles. turned out to be Kamchatka senator Valery Ponomarev.

There are new leaders in the government and the AP

The earnings of the prime minister and president decreased, but only slightly. Vladimir Putin reported 8.85 million rubles. (8.9 million in 2015), Dmitry Medvedev - about 8.6 million rubles. (was 8.8 million). The government press service explained the decrease in the prime minister’s income by “a decrease in the size of the bank deposit and interest payments on it.” The president and prime minister have not updated either their vehicle fleet or their real estate.

In the presidential administration, the highest salary goes to Sergei Kiriyenko, who, after the Duma elections last September, replaced Vyacheslav Volodin as first deputy head of the Presidential Administration (see table). The current curator of the internal political bloc, after leaving the post of General Director of Rosatom, lost in income: a year ago he indicated 49.2 million rubles in his declaration. basic income, 56 million as a deferred bonus and another 28 million rubles. as "other income". Mr. Volodin, who moved to the post of Speaker of the State Duma, earned 87 million rubles in 2015. and was also the richest employee of the AP.

For Anton Vaino, who moved from the post of deputy head to the post of head of the AP, career growth resulted in a decrease in income from 10.1 million to 9.6 million rubles. And for his predecessor as head of the Presidential Administration, Sergei Ivanov, moving to the post of special presidential representative on environmental issues, ecology and transport, on the contrary, had a positive impact on earnings - they increased from 10.3 million to 13 million rubles.

The poorest AP official with an income of 2.8 million rubles. Anna Kuznetsova, who was appointed in September 2016 as Commissioner for Children’s Rights, turned out to be (her husband indicated an income of 151 thousand rubles). The new officials of the internal political bloc of the AP, who came along with Mr. Kiriyenko, have average incomes. The new head of public projects management, Sergei Novikov, reported 18.8 million rubles. (Pavel Zenkovich, who held this post and left for the Ministry of Education, reported 7.1 million rubles last year), the head of the internal policy department (IDP) Andrei Yarin declared 5.4 million rubles. (ex-head of the UVP Tatyana Voronova, now head of the State Duma apparatus, had a similar income).

The wife of Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov, Tatyana Navka, has kept an apartment in the USA (126 sq. m), but the wife of Presidential Assistant Andrei Fursenko no longer has real estate in Latvia. One fourth of the apartments in Spain is owned by the wife of the President’s Special Representative for Trade and Economic Relations with Ukraine, Dmitry Livanov. Mr. Livanov earned 25.4 million rubles. (in 2015, as Minister of Education, 32 million rubles).

New White House officials also listed modest incomes. Minister of Economic Development Maxim Oreshkin, who took this post instead of Alexey Ulyukaev, suspected of taking a bribe (the ex-minister declared 59.6 million rubles in income in 2015), earned 16.5 million rubles, and the new Minister of Education Olga Vasilyeva - 6 million rub.

The earnings of the Minister for Northern Caucasus Affairs, a native of Norilsk Nickel (he worked in the company together with the current Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Khloponin) Lev Kuznetsov, increased more than 10 times (a year earlier it was 47.8 million). The income of last year's leader, Minister of Open Government Affairs Mikhail Abyzov, increased only by 65 million rubles, but that of Yuri Trutnev, who became the third presidential envoy in the Far Eastern District, doubled. The five richest members of the government with an income of 71 million rubles. First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov left (last year - 97.2 million). Ministers and deputy prime ministers retained foreign real estate. The daughter of the Minister of Communications Nikolai Nikiforov got an apartment in Spain. The poorest in the government, with an income of 5.6 million rubles, was the Minister of Agriculture Alexander Tkachev (before his appointment to this post in April 2015, he headed the Krasnodar Territory), his income decreased almost 10 times - from 50.5 million rubles.

Millionaires and billionaires of the Federal Assembly

Speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko received 22.9 million rubles in 2016. (last year - 21 million rubles), and her husband’s income decreased almost by half - from 32.3 million to 17 million rubles. Valery Ponomarev (Kamchatka Legislative Assembly) remains the richest senator; his income has more than doubled (in 2015 - 1 billion rubles). Member of the Federation Council Alexander Babakov (legislative assembly of the Tambov region) earned 318 million rubles, although a year ago he indicated only 4.7 million rubles. Vitaly Bogdanov (representing the head of the Kursk region) indicated 222.9 million rubles. The second representative of Kamchatka, Boris Nevzorov (174 million rubles), remained among the richest senators; Tula senator Dmitry Savelyev had slightly less income (163 million rubles). Among the spouses of senators, the wife of Deputy Speaker Yuri Vorobyov has the largest income - 225 million rubles. Many senators still have foreign real estate. Let us recall that after the adoption in 2013 of a law prohibiting officials from having assets and accounts abroad, a number of members of the Federation Council, considered the richest senators, left the upper house of parliament, including those on the Forbes list Andrei Guryev, Andrei Molchanov, Nikolai Olshansky, Dmitry Ananyev ( declared 919 million rubles in 2012) and Efim Malkin (earned 1.3 billion rubles in 2013).

The richest deputy in the State Duma was Andrei Palkin (United Russia) with an income of 678 million rubles, the second was another United Russia member (604.7 million rubles) Nikolai Bortsov. The almost permanent leader of the sixth convocation, United Russia member Leonid Simanovsky, who indicated 377.16 million rubles, lost his position (in 2015 he earned 907 million rubles). United Russia member Grigory Anikeev remains among the most prosperous; his income decreased by 44 million rubles, but exceeds 520 million rubles. However, every opposition faction has its own millionaires. The richest of the oppositionists, communist Vladimir Blotsky, who became a deputy for the first time, earned 260.18 million rubles last year.

The wealthiest among the vice-speakers with an income of 44.22 million rubles. United Russia member Petr Tolstoy, who worked on television before the September elections last year, became a newcomer to the State Duma. The most modest of the vice-speakers is also United Russia member Sergei Neverov, who received 4.8 million rubles last year. The first vice-speaker of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Ivan Melnikov, received a little more (5.18 million rubles). Noticeably richer than other oppositionists is the vice speaker from A Just Russia, Olga Epifanova, with an income of 24.53 million rubles. (in 2015 it was 24.55 million rubles). The income of the vice-speaker of the LDPR, Igor Lebedev, decreased by almost half - 9.93 million rubles. versus 16.5 million rubles. in 2015.

However, the leader of the LDPR, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, became noticeably rich: he earned 79 million rubles last year. (a year earlier his income amounted to 5.3 million rubles). Modest deputy income is about 5 million rubles. showed the leaders of three other Duma factions: Vladimir Vasiliev (United Russia), Gennady Zyuganov (Communist Party of the Russian Federation) and Sergei Mironov (A Just Russia). State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin earned 62.1 million rubles - 25 million less than a year earlier (the declaration states that he donated more than 30 million to charity).

Of the newbie deputies, the most modest incomes last year were those who were elected to the State Duma for the first time from Crimea. United Russia Konstantin Bakharev had just over 3 million rubles, Ruslan Belbek - 2.3 million rubles. Natalya Poklonskaya, who headed the Duma commission overseeing the reliability of information about the income of deputies, earned 2.6 million rubles last year.

Policy Department

The richest in the presidential administration

Surname Revenue (million rubles) Real estate Vehicles
Sergei Kiriyenko, first deputy head of the presidential administration85.5 Land plot 7.1 thousand sq. m. m, residential building 698.5 sq.m., residential building 169.7 sq.m. m, parking space 12.7 sq. m, sports and fitness block 630.4 sq. m, outbuilding 68 m. Apartment in use 254.3 sq. m. m and a forest area of ​​5 thousand sq. m. m
Nikolai Patrushev, Secretary of the Security Council33.6 Land plot 3.3 thousand sq. m. m, residential building 249.1 sq. m, apartment 256 sq. m, in use - dacha 265 sq. mVolkswagen Touran
Artur Muravyov, presidential envoy to the Federation Council33.3 Two land plots (3 thousand and 2.4 thousand sq. m.), two apartments (42.4 and 101.3 sq. m.), residential building 304.3 sq. m. m, two garages (35.8 and 20.1 sq. m)
Igor Levitin, presidential assistant30.1 Jointly owned with his wife - a land plot of 4 thousand square meters. m, apartment 118.4 sq. m, parking space 14.7 sq. m, country house with outbuildings 544.2 sq. m, parking space 14.7 sq. mMercedes-Benz C180
Vladimir Kozhin, presidential aide16.3 Two land plots (7.4 thousand and 77.1 thousand sq. m), a residential building of 280 sq. m. m, apartment 332 sq. m, cottage 998 sq. m, two parking spaces (11.4 and 11.3 sq. m.), garage 610.8 sq. m. mPorsche Cayenne, Mitsubishi i-MiEV

Richest in government

Surname Revenue (million rubles) Real estate Vehicles
Lev Kuznetsov, Minister for North Caucasus Affairs582.2 10 land plots (total area - 14.5 thousand sq. m), residential building 563.6 sq. m. m, other real estate (21 objects) with an area of ​​44.1 thousand square meters. m. All in the Russian Federation. Land plot 3.3 thousand sq. m. m and a residential building of 180 sq. m shared with his wife in FranceMercedes-Benz A 200, BMW M5, Ferrari 599 GTB
Mikhail Abyzov, Minister for Open Government Affairs520.9 Two apartments (135.4 and 161.9 sq. m.), two rooms (18.6 and 15.4 sq. m.). Everything is in the Russian Federation. Premises in a country house in use 335 sq. m. m in ItalyMercedes-Benz S500, Mercedes-Benz G63, four motorcycles (Harley-Davidson FLSTN, two Ducati, Yamaha YZF-R1), Robinson 44 Clipper II helicopter, Yamaha SXV70VT snowmobile, two trailers
Yuri Trutnev, Deputy Prime Minister, Presidential Envoy to the Far Eastern District356.9 Jointly owned with my wife, a land plot of 3742 sq. m. m, two residential buildings (345.6 and 170.8 sq. m), technical building 23.1 sq. m. mBMW X6, Nissan Patrol, Porsche Cayenne, Mercedes-Benz ML 350, ATV Polaris ATV, Bombardier INC snowmobile, trailer
Denis Manturov, Minister of Industry and Trade129.4 Land plot 11.4 thousand sq. m. m, apartment 480.9 sq. m, four parking spaces (16.5, 16.3, 16.6, 19.9 sq. m), two guest houses (1223.5 and 495.5 sq. m), two utility buildings (205 and 208, 3 sq. m)Land Rover Range Rover, Lada Vesta, Moskvich-412, VAZ-2103, GAZ-21
Anton Siluanov, Minister of Finance95.4 Three land plots (9, 10, 23 thousand sq. m.), residential building 152 sq. m. m, apartment 253.8 sq. m, four garages (14.9, 16.6, 15.4, 16.1 sq. m), two non-residential buildings (64.9 and 111.9 sq. m). Rents a land plot of 35 thousand sq. m. mGAZ-69, VAZ-21011, BMW X6XDRIVE 30D, two motorcycles - HarleyDavidson FLSTC 103 ANV, BMW K 1600GTL


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